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10/28/2022 02:59:11 PM


"… Noach found grace in the eyes of G-d."(6,8)

The merit of the sons for the fathers

It says in the Gemara: Rabbi Yishmael learned: For Noach it was also decreed (to die in the Deluge) but he found grace in the eyes of G-d. As it says, "I have been caused to alter My decision that I have made them….. Noach found grace in the eyes of G-d."

This seems hard to believe. If Noach was not worthy to be saved from the Deluge and the decree was made on him as well due to some blemish or sin – how can the Gemara say he was saved because he found grace in the eyes of G-d? Is there favoritism here? It says clearly "Who does not regard persons and takes no bribe".

Concerning this the Medrash says: "Noach found grace in the eyes of G-d – Rabbi Simon said – We find that G-d does kindness for later generations in the merit of earlier generations. And (-but-) where do we see that G-d does kindness with earlier generations in the merit of later generations (their descendants)? Because it says "Noach found grace in the eyes of G-d". And in what merit did he find grace? In the merit of his descendants.

In the simple meaning of that said in the Midrash "in the merit of his descendants" it means the merit of his sons, Shem, Cham and Yafet.

However we learn from the Rishonim that the Midrash meant that Noach was saved in the merit of Avraham Avinu who came out from him, as it is brought in the sefer Chomat Anach of the CHIDA on the verse "And G-d remembered Noach and all the living things….and G-d made a wind to pass over the earth and the water subsided."

The CHIDA says- The cryptic last letters of "And G-d made a wind to pass over the earth - "ויעבר אלקים רוח" – are רמ''ח which add up to the numerology of Avraham - אברהם – and this is to tell us that G-d remembered and saved Noach in the merit of Avraham who came out from him.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784