The Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue is a large association of female congregants whose purpose is to benefit the community. This association, that came into existence in 1918 with an initial membership of twenty-eight women, has always recognized that female involvement in society is relevant and dynamic. Its concern has always been to enrich their own lives as well as the life of their community.
The present board consists of the President, Vice President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary. Its members, who hail from Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Turkey, and Canada, meet to enjoy diverse activities. Thanks to the commendable commitment of its members, a united women's group that plays a vital role has been forged, assisting the Synagogue in its fund-raising and community-building projects. Each year new members to the Sisterhood are welcomed and can opt for life membership or annual membership.
The Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese is a remarkably active one with projects and events that suit all types of interests. Some of the annual activities include film screenings at the synagogue, speakers offering lectures, day trips to places of interest in and around the city, museum tours, and of course, the celebration of Jewish holidays.
In essence, the very existence of the Sisterhood promotes an understanding and vibrancy to the community of the Spanish and Portuguese. Indeed, these are the qualities that characterize our pluralistic Synagogue community.
If you are interested in joining the Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, please contact
its President, Connie Oiknine Tambasco , via e-mail by clicking here