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06/23/2023 01:27:00 PM


"And Korach presumed, the son of Yitzhar the son of Kehat the son of Levi…." (16,1)

Family Lineage

One of the grandsons of the Grand Rabbi Yechezkel of Kozhmir left the straight path of his ancestors and rabbis to the point that his wife could not live with him and demanded a divorce.

After several days the wife appeared with her husband by Rabbi Eliyahu Kletzkin the Rabbi of Lublin and choking in tears she hurled many serious accusations against her husband. Feeling uncomfortable in light of his wife's serious assertions, the husband tried to silence her in light of his distinguished family lineage and said: "You should know that I am a descendant of holy people and the grandson of the righteous Rabbi Yechezkel of Kozhmir."

Rabbi Kletzkin cut him off and said: "On the verse "And Korach presumed, the son of Yitzhar the son of Kehat the son of Levi" Rashi says: The verse does not mention that Levi was the son of Yakov Avinu because Yakov Avinu asked for mercy and that his name not be mentioned in the dispute of Korach and his congregation as it says, "with their gatherings my honor may not be identified". This seems surprising. How is there mercy by not mentioning Yakov in the dispute of Korach? One would think that Yakov should have asked that his name would be mentioned so that his grandchildren and great grandchildren would be saved in his merit!"

"But" Rabbi Kletzkin boomed, emphasizing every word, "it is specifically because of the Trait of Mercy towards his descendants that Yakov Avinu asked not to have his name mentioned in the dispute of Korach, his great grandson. When the sinner is a descendant of great people this fact makes his ruling more serious and enlarges the punishment he deserves for leaving the path of his forefathers."

Shabbat Shalom!!!

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784