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RE'EH 5782

08/26/2022 02:02:10 PM


Voyez, je vous propose en ce jour, d'une part, la bénédiction, la malédiction de l'autre

This is the first verse of this week's parasha.

You might ask, why am I quoting it in French? Well, of course, to show our appreciation for the French language.

But there is another reason: this translation, which I took from the usually wonderful Mechon-Mamre site, has a glaring mistake.

Do you see the mistake?

Well, the Hebrew original begins with the verb "re'eh", meaning "see," in the singular, but the continuation, "lifneikhem," meaning "to you," is in the plural.

What's the point?  To receive the blessing, we require the combined efforts of the individual and the community.

To translate that into synagogue terms, we all want the synagogue to be successful, but for that to happen, there must be a collective effort, with each individual contributing his/her part.

And so, I take this opportunity to wish each and every one a good, healthy year, and a successful year for the synagogue.

As most of you know, the time has come for me to move on. After the unexpected passing of my dear wife last year, I found myself alone in Montreal, with no relatives. Although I love Chevra Shaas, where I have served since Rosh Hashanah 1994, and it is a privilege to be part of the venerable Spanish Portuguese/Shearith Israel, I think you will all agree with me that the proper decision is to move to the States, to my family.

I hope that we can stay in touch.  My email is

With blessings for a shanah tovah u-metuqah, ketivah va-hatima tovah,

Shabbat shalom, `al yisrael.

Rabbi Menahem White, Chevra Shaas

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784