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06/23/2023 01:28:44 PM


Dear mitpallelim,

Mariam Mintz and Stanley Goldstein observe yahrzeit for their father David ben Alexander Sendor Goldstein on Shabbat 5 Tammuz.

On the same date, our most senior member, Helen Scharf -Kern, observes for her son Harvley William Scharf.

May their neshomot have aliyot.


This Shabbat, Yehudah Haimovici is called to the torah for his bar mitsvah. Mazal tov to Yehuda and all the Haimovici fmlhy.


Well... it finally happened. Since arriving in Teaneck last Sept. 1, I have been careful not to do this, but I messed up on Wednesday morning. What did I do? I confused a fleshing bowl for milking in my daughter's kitchen.

How does this fit into the parasha? You see, when CS joined the Spanish, I learned about the Ben Ish Hai, and, as you may remember, I discussed his commentary on the parasha every Sunday-Thursday evening between Minha and Ma`ariv.  [Rav Yosef Hayyim, known as the Ben Ish Hai, was a great scholar from Baghdad, who lived and composed many seforim in the 19th century.]

In his commentary on this week's parasha - second series, he mentions the responsability of avoiding the mixing of meat and milk, since it is a mitzvah that is frequent on a daily basis. [In Hebrew "metsuyah u-tedirah harbei."] He continued:  "therefore it is proper for a person to be careful about this, and to observe all of the halachot, so that it will not create a stumbling block..." "and everyone should be careful to instruct all the members of the house to be careful in the mixing of utensils, for this matter is in everyone's house day and night."

wow! I learned my lesson! It is interesting that my mix-up happened in the week that this matter was discussed in the Ben Ish Hai


I am writing this on 3 Tammuz, the yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. When he passed away in 1994, many people felt that the Chabad movement would never recover. They were so wrong!!!!  


Our good friend Malcolm Moscowitz is in the JEC, Victoria entrance, room 441. We wish him refu'ah sheleimah.

Shabbat shalom, and bonne fete (sorry, I can't print the circumflex accent on this computer.)

Rabbi Menahem White

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784