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07/07/2023 12:52:05 PM


Last week’s parasha ended in a cliffhanger. The men had been involved in an immoral activity with the Midianite women, which could bring the wrath of HaShem on the Nation. Pinchas, the grandson of Aharon, who had been the paradigm of peace, felt he had to take action. So, he picked up a spear, and killed Zimri, the leader of the tribe of Shimon.

What will happen to Pinchas? Will he be indicted for murder? [Like the case recently in the NYC subway, where a marine vet killed a man who, he felt, was threatening the lives of passengers on the train. The vet has been indicted for murder, creating a major controversy.]

At the beginning of this week’s parasha, we see immediately the answer: Pinchas and his descendants are rewarded with eternal priesthood. [According to ibn Ezra, Zimri’s family will not be allowed to retaliate.]

An interesting case happened this week in West Orange, a community about an 18-mile drive from my home in Teaneck. Now, certainly we are confident that there will be no violence, but it raises questions as to the proper response.

It seems that a Conservative synagogue had ordered LGBTQ Pride themed cakes for its kiddush during Pride week. The bakery, the only certified shomer shabbat kosher bakery in that city, would not take the order. The baker correctly felt that, although he would not do anything to harm an LGBTQ person, he cannot support a concept that is clearly against the Torah. In response, the Jewish Federation (sic) of that part of NJ, wrote a letter that they would no longer be purchasing from that bakery. It seems that from now on, they will purchase baked goods from a non Shomer Shabbat bakery. Likewise, the two Conservative synagogues in that city will also be boycotting the shomer Shabbat.

So, the Jewish Federation will strive to ruin the livelihood of a religious Jewish baker, because that baker is trying to uphold Torah values. The baker stresses that he has nothing against individual LGBTQ people, but he cannot support a celebration of their values. As we say in Yiddish, “oilam goilam.”

What would Pinchas do? Let’s pray for a respectful and decent outcome!

Shabbat shalom, shalom `al yisrael

Rabbi Menahem White

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784