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02/09/2024 10:40:47 AM


Shalom rav!

As you have probably heard, the OU has been encouraging people to follow the Nach yomi, that is, studying every day a chapter of Nach. [which stands for nevi’im =prophets and Ketuvim = the poetic books of the Bible] They start with the Book of Yehoshua [=Joshua] and continue with a chapter a day until the last chapter of the Book of II Chronicles. At the pace of a chapter a day, you can finish in two years! You can study in Hebrew, English, French, etc.

There is a Nach yomi site on the internet. You could also follow along with the amazing sefaria site. The current cycle began on February 1, so if you start now, you’ll be just a few chapters behind.

The book of Yehoshua begins with HaShem telling Yehoshua he will be leading the Nation into the Land of Canaan: the whole Land of Israel is given to the Israelites [sorry, Hamas.] HaShem encourages him “hazaq ve’emats” not to be afraid of the enemies, and have strength to observe the Torah. Those words of encouragement [hazaq ve’emats] are repeated 3 times.

Yehoshua then reminds the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe of their obligation to lead the people into the Land. They promise that they will, and they in turn offer encouragement to Yehoshua “hazaq ve-emats.”

As you probably know of my involvement with Hiddon HaTanakh over the past many years, you can understand my encouragement of this project to study a chapter a day.

By the way, speaking of the Hiddon HaTanakh, it was a great pleasure for me to attend (in Teaneck!!!) the engagement celebration of our former kleiner hazzan’, now Talmid chacham, former Canadian representative to the World Bible Contest in Yerushalayim, Yehonatan Haimovici. “Bsha’ah tovah umutslachat.”

And speaking of Tanakh: the special Haftarah for this week’s Shabbat Rosh Hodesh is from the last chapter of Isaiah. HaShem says He will be “like a river of peace and like a flowing stream”.  May this counter the “flood” that Hamas wished to bring upon the Land. And also, with what is a traditional Sephardi greeting for mourners, HaShem adds “biyerushalayim Tenuhamu” may you be comforted through Yerushalayim.”

Shabbat shalom Let’s hear good news

Rabbi Menahem White

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784