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President's Message

Dear friends, Chers amis,

I am truly humbled and honoured to address you for the first time in our Pessah publication of the Aleinu. As your new president of our congregation, I have the privilege to walk on a road paved by my predecessors, who have made our place of worship open and inclusive to all.

As spring is around the corner, I have been reflecting on the past year when we had to limit the access to our sanctuary. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions imposed by the government, it was essential that our members remained well informed and engaged. With the help of our Clergy, Executive and Board, and our dedicated staff, we were able to provide online services and excellent cultural programming. It was an exceptional effort under the most difficult circumstances. I wish to extend my utmost respect and unwavering support. Pessah is the time of our “Zman Herouteynu” the time of our freedom - le temps de retrouver notre liberté, après la sortie d’Egypte.

Dans le même esprit, l’humanité entière aspire aujourd’hui à retrouver cette liberté perdue, imposée par le confinement. Cet espoir n’est pas vain. L’Histoire a montré que toutes les pandémies ont eu un début et une fin. Celle-ci aussi prendra fin.

Dear friends and congregants, we are looking forward to the day when we are permitted, to resume in person activities. Every one of our planning committees is functioning virtually and eager to get back to normal.

We are looking ahead to welcoming you back with your families to our great religious services and cultural activities in our prestigious synagogue.

My wife, Lucie and I would like to wish you a healthy and happy Hag Pessah Casher Ve Sameyah.

Charles Shemie,

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784