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08/04/2023 02:15:00 PM


One hundred blessings

"And G-d will keep afar from you - ממך -all illness and all the bad sufferings of Egypt…" (7,15)

We know what the Tur wrote (Or Hachaim): David Hamelech instructed that one hundred blessings be made daily and thereby the plague that had erupted in his time wherein hundred young men had been dying daily stopped.

We can learn an allusion to this from this verse: "And G-d will keep afar from you - ממך -all illness" . In the merit of - מ מ ך - which adds up to 100 – the one hundred blessings that you make daily - the blessing of "And G-d will keep afar from you - ממך -all illness and all the bad sufferings of Egypt…" will be fulfilled.

Concerning this the Ben Ish Chai zy'o adds that we can interpret the verse in Tehilim (81) "Widen your mouth and I will fill it up" that it alludes to the idea that one who makes 100 blessings daily will be blessed. If we open our mouth - "פה" – if we open up this word fully into its letters- פ''ה ה''י – this adds up to the numerology of 100 (פ''ה= 85, ה''י = 15).

Therefore, if we widen our mouths and say 100 blessings daily then "I will fill it up- "G-d will fill it and bring blessings upon the person.


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784